“Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from His love?
Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and sympathetic?
Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other,
loving one another, and working together with one heart and purpose.”
Philippians 2:1-4
Ladies for Jesus is an interdenominational group of ladies who love the Lord and want to share their joy in knowing the Lord with you. We have a great desire to inspire and equip all Christian women in deepening our walk with Christ; to devote ourselves wholeheartedly to Him and to delight in our intimate relationship with Him. We say "our" because each lady who is a member of Ladies for Jesus is also deepening their walk with Christ.

Ladies for Jesus is made up of a great number of ladies who love the Lord.
Above is a picture of the Ladies for Jesus Leadership Team.
To follow is information about Kelly Dixon, who is our speaker at our retreats, and Jan Kilpatrick, who is our music leader. As with all ministries, it takes many hands to do what we do. Therefore, we thank God for each member of the Ladies for Jesus Leadership Team and each of them look forward to spending time with you at our next retreat.

Kelly Dixon
Kelly Dixon is a motivational speaker, writer, and Bible teacher who desires to inspire you to draw closer to Jesus. She loves to share God's Word so that others not only learn it but experience it deeply. She teaches in a clear, precise, and concise way so that you understand what it means to "deepen your walk with Jesus." Having received and accepted the call to motivate other Christian women toward a deeper relationship with Christ, she began the Ladies for Jesus ministry; a ministry of many ladies who love the Lord and share in this desire. Kelly is married to Kermit Dixon, and they have three beautiful girls whom they homeschool.

Jan Kilpatrick
Music Leader
Jan Kilpatrick loves to sing praises to the Lord. Her enthusiasm in sharing her gift of music makes her a true blessing for the Ladies for Jesus ministry. Jan is the mother of a beautiful daughter, Danielle Cleckner, and has two granddaughters. She sings in the adult choir at her church and is a member of Grace and Glory, a ladies ensemble. She retired after 40 years of being a school teacher. She continues to enjoy serving the Lord in many areas of her life.