Ladies for Jesusministry desires to inspire and equip all Christian women to deepen our walk with Christ; to devote ourselves wholeheartedly to Him; and to delight in our intimate relationship with Him. |
If your church would like to host a "Deepen The Walk" retreat or just have a question about our ministry,
please email us at info@ladiesforjesus.com or call 850/933-2379.
To follow are email addresses for members of our Leadership Team:
Kelly Dixon | kelly@ladiesforJesus.com |
Traci Billingsley | traci@ladiesforJesus.com |
Dot Black | dotdot@ladiesforJesus.com |
Debbie Foster | debbie@ladiesforJesus.com |
Geraldine Hall | geraldine@ladiesforJesus.com |
Gladys Hicks | gladys@ladiesforJesus.com |
Sharon Kennon | sharon@ladiesforJesus.com |
Jan Kilpatrick | jan@ladiesforJesus.com |
Dot Trotman | dot@ladiesforJesus.com |
Caneale Waldron | caneale@ladiesforJesus.com |