Deeper Immersion: Desiring the better!
Theme Scripture:Luke 10:38-42
Description: Is it possible that you have deep buried
desires which you are holding as idols? Are there
desires in your life that keep you from seeking
more of God? Desires such as an inner need for
acceptance; for recognition; to be loved; to win;
to be in control; etc. Whatever it is, if we
desire it more than God, then we are holding it as
an idol. When we have desires that consume our
attention, then we are not placing God first in
our lives. God wants to have all of us, not just
part, and He wants us to discover the desires that
are standing in the way of our fully surrendering
to Him. This retreat will explore how to recognize
godless desires in our lives and overcome them
with Jesus’ strength. By looking at power thoughts
that we can adopt in our thought process, we will
discover how to desire the better . . . a deeper
immersion . . . sitting at the feet of Christ.

Sparkling for Jesus
Theme Scripture: Ephesians 5:8
Description: Diamonds are beautiful and are the
hardest known naturally occurring mineral.
However, what most of us like best about the
mineral is the way it sparkles. When we are the
Christian women God intended us to be, we can
sparkle and we can shine as well. Diamonds don't
start out beautiful. They are formed in cratons
deep in the earth. It's just like when we come to
Christ for salvation. We come from deep within
sin. Ask any jeweler and they will tell you that
one of the characteristics of a diamond is its
clarity - involving whether there is the presence
of any impurities or inclusions in the diamond. As
a Christian, others may not see our impurities or
our sins because it may not be visible with the
naked eye, but we must remember that for us to
really sparkle for Christ we must allow Him to
reflect through us. At this retreat we will
explore ways we can do just that and bring glory
to our Father.
Christ Permeated
Relationships: Covered in Christ's Love
Theme Scripture: 1 Peter 3:8-9
Description: Do your relationships
need some CPR? Relating to others is hard!!
Sometimes we find ourselves constantly in the
midst of confrontations and in need of defending
ourselves regularly. Ultimately our feelings get
in the way and lead us astray to the end of
tearing us apart from the ones we are called to
love. As Christians, Christ has called us to be
like-minded, sympathetic and loving to one
another. We can only do this by clothing ourselves
with the love of Christ. This retreat will inspire
you to open up your whole self to Christ and the
love He so deeply desires to display through you.
Join us as we explore what it means to cover
ourselves in the love of Christ.
Jesus, Heal My Heart!
Theme Scripture: Psalm 147:3
Description: Throughout our lives
we have relationships that mold our hearts and
ultimately affect the way we live. At times these
relationships cause us to have broken hearts that
only Jesus can heal. We no longer feel the
fullness of joy, the completeness of peace, or the
overflowing love that Jesus offers. There is a cry
from deep within our hearts that we ignore because
we don't want to deal with the hurt. However, if
we open our heart and allow Jesus to heal it, we
can obtain His joy and peace. This retreat will
inspire you to open your heart to Jesus and allow
Him to nurture your soul. As we explore how to
apply the truths of God's Word, we will not only
heal our hearts but be empowered to live out our
future relationships with the fullness of joy and
overflow of love that only comes from Christ.
When life gives you lemons, Count it all
Scripture: James
Description: When life gives you
lemons, make lemonade.” A familiar old saying that
seems to be such a worn cliché, especially if
someone quotes it to us when we are in a great
dilemma in our life. Health situations, loss of
jobs or something traumatic happening with our
family members places such a strain on our lives
that we develop blinders and
we feel like we are unable to make lemonade
out of or change the situation. However, God does
give us the strength to deal with and handle even
the most trying of circumstances. We may not be
able to stop the lemons from falling or make
something better of a situation, but we can be
determined to better the way in which we handle
those 'lemons'. This retreat inspires you
through music, message and the exploration of
God’s Word as we discover ways we can count it all
joy when we fall into various trials.
Radical Obedience
Scripture: 1 Peter
Description: This
retreat focuses on how we can be radically
obedient to the Lord. As Christians we are
called to be holy as God is holy (1 Peter
1:13-16). In this retreat we define radical
obedience and how happiness can only be obtained
by taking the steps of obedience. A look at who
is called to obedience and how we are called is
explored along with how we should respond. Faith
is looked at in detail as being our motivator of
radical obedience and ultimately drawing us
closer to God. A cross is used as symbolization
of how we should be obedient to the Father as
Jesus was when He died on the cross for our
Love Isn't Finished!
Scripture: Psalm
Description: Using
the royalty theme and being princesses,
this topic covers our
value in God's eyes and how He has a divine
purpose for our lives. We review the rewards of
being a daughter of the King of kings along with
the responsibilities of the title. Fear is
discussed as an underline factor of why we don't
come close to God and why we don't step out in
claiming our position in Christ. We discuss how
God's love for is continuing to make us in to
what He has planned for us.
The Joy of Serving God
Scripture: Ephesians
Description: Using
the popular song “This Little Light of Mine,”
this topic explores all aspects of serving God.
Who is called to serve? How are we called? What
we are called to do? How should we respond to
God's call? In this presentation, we talk about
how to have a pure heart for serving, reasons we
don't serve, and ways Satan tries to deter us
from serving. There are group discussion
sessions which allow us to explore God's Word
more in regards to this topic.

My Heart's Desire: Learning How
to Delight in the Lord
Scripture: Psalm
Description: This
retreat explores what it means to delight in the
Lord and what Scripture is talking about when it
says the Lord delights in us. The exploration
covers how to delight in the Lord and how we can
obtain our desires. The presentation also looks
at barriers that keep most women from delighting
in the Lord and how we can overcome these
barriers. There are group discussion sessions
which allow us to explore God's Word more in
regards to these barriers.

Seeking God's Face: Discover the
Royal Inheritance
Scripture: Matthew
Description: This
retreat takes an in depth look at God's Will in
three parts: Intentional, Circumstantial and
Ultimate. The presentation also explores how to
discern God's Will on a daily basis beyond
discovery of our Spiritual Gifts and divine
purpose. There are group discussion sessions
which allow us to explore in depth our God given
resources that assist us in discerning God's
Will. The caterpillar to butterfly concept is
used to symbolize God creating us as a new
creature through us following God's Will.